Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Rock Island Tea

Over Spring Break we made the most delish iced tea - this is The Girl taking some with her "to go" on her way back to Waco.
 She's pretty much a sweet tea addict.
It was sweet and lemony and tasted like an amaretto sour.
Here is the recipe, adapted from the Houston Chronicle:

Rock Island Tea
2 T. unsweetened tea powder
1/2 c. sugar
1 can. frozen lemonade concentrate
1 T. almond extract
Blend all ingredients together and stir until sugar is dissolved.  Add water to make 2 quarts.  Chill, then serve over ice.

I think it might be my favorite drink this summer, right after iced coffee!


1 comment:

Marie said...

sounds delicious!!!
will have to give it a try :)