Monday, February 14, 2011

Bedroom chairs update!

It's amazing to me that a little less than a month ago this is what the bedroom chairs looked like:
By the time I had posted about them I had already been dragging my heels for a year or so...and talking about it on the blog was just what I needed, 'cause I got to work picking out a fabric, trucking them over to the upholsterer, and within two weeks...

This fabric and pattern  is so cool!  And the workmanship on them is perfect.  They went to great pains to match up that enormous repeat so that both chairs look exactly alike.  There was a small amount of fabric left to make a couple of crafts, this toss pillow, for one:
If the weather cooperates this week, I will make a trip to IKEA for some pretty white curtains and a black rod.  I love the new look in here, and so does the cat, apparently. 
I think my MIL would be proud!


1 comment:

Marie said...

The chairs look fabulous!