Friday, March 27, 2015

5 thing Friday - leaves, storage, plants, tape, Wii Fit

It is a losing battle here against the oak trees.  In the early spring I rake every few days just to keep up.  A short time later, we are inundated with pollen and those little crackly things.  
 It makes it 100 times worse if it rains.
More leaves fall every time a breeze blows through or it rains.  
 My friend Carol used a boot box to transport Christmas gifts to us.  It's the perfect size for storage in my closet.  I glued some wrapping paper on and tied it with a bow.  Inside are day runner inserts and datebooks spanning 20+ years.  In a way, they are my journals.  Reading them gives me a sense of how insane different life was when I had four littles at home.
 My plant babies languished in the garage for 4 months.  I am surprised they all lived.  The big ones got put back in the backyard.  All of them got fed.  I like the look of real potted plants in terra cotta.
Kinesiology tape - have you ever seen this stuff?  My PT lady was not 100% on board with it, but wanted to give it a try, so I said sure.  Anything and everything that might help me, I will do.  She also suggested I use the Wii Fit that I have never used.
Our console had long since ceased to play games, but a trip to Game Over and $60 got us a new one.  I'm not sure why I never even tried it - it's seriously kicking my rear on the balance games.  And improving my balance is high on the list of things I need to do.  One week left to go before I return to work!


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Friday, March 20, 2015

My elderly cat

Sugar is 11 now. (We think. We aren't really sure)  She's starting to become such an old lady cat. She groans.  She cries for food when her dish has food in it.  She eats lint off the floor.  And every now and then, a sound or something in the yard will spook her and she runs through the house, fat flapping.  But she is very good with her litter pan.  And we love her.
She does more laying around than anything else.  This is where I find her when I pass through the bedroom.  Since my bedroom is where she is most of the time, it gets the brunt of it when she decides to puke. 
 She is very loyal and affectionate though, so I forgive her.   And at night, she is never far from me.  She will do these sweet little purr meows and roll over for a belly pet.

When I walk out of the room, she will jump up and leave, too. If I am sitting at my desk, she will wind her self around my legs for a minute or two.  I think mainly she is hoping a treat will appear.
Then she will wander off, usually back to the furthest part of the house, and cry pitifully like she thought she was suddenly alone.
I always call her back in - I don't want her to feel afraid. 
Because she's a sweet old girl.


Friday, March 13, 2015

5 thing Friday - resting, books, spring, candles, cake, Bubbie

I've been trying to take some "down time" and not feel guilty about getting some reading done in the evenings.  
I figure the only way to get over that is to do it more often.
Like everyone else here, I am ready for spring to "stick".  We get a couple of beautiful days, them blammo, its winter again.  It's been raining and dreary off and on the better part of the last seven days.  But that didn't stop me from putting a few springy things out.  

We aren't eating enough fresh fruit before it starts looking rough.  These two apples and a few pears made a great cake.  Buttery, moist, and perfect with ice cream. The week before I made banana bread, for the same reason.
This person continues to eat me out of house and home.  Even his hair grows at a ridiculous rate.  I have ordered him more tee shirts and tennies and school isn't out for 3 more months, so he has to take a break from his growth spurt.  


Monday, March 9, 2015

Ba$tard BBQ Remix

One of our favorite chicken meals is a great "BBQ" chicken dish from the I Hate to Cook Book by Peg Bracken.  Called Ba$tard BBQ, it involves chicken, garlic salt, and brown sugar - that's it.  We've had it often, and love it, but I also have a house of bacon lovers here - why not add bacon in?  Said everyone, always.

Bacon Ba$tard BBQ
2 large boneless chicken breasts, cut in half
8 slices bacon (I used Applewood smoked center cut)
Chili powder, garlic salt, brown sugar
Mix about a half cup brown sugar with a heaping tablespoon of chili powder and a teaspoon of garlic salt.  Then dredge each breast half in the seasoned sugar, wrap with two slices bacon, sprinkle on the remaining sugar, then bake at 350 for about 50 minutes.
*Note:  I used chicken breast because of the fatty nature of the bacon - you could do thighs, but you might want to use a broiler pan.  Also, I brine my chicken breasts to make sure they are juicy.  Eyeball the brown sugar mixture and add more chili powder if you like it!

With a salad and a baked sweet potato - such a good dinner.  And making four of them assured me no leftovers!


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Tweak it Tuesday at Cozy Little House
Full Plate Thursday at Miz Helen's Country Cottage

Monday, March 2, 2015

One Pot Spaghetti

I'm not sure if I have ever posted this recipe - if I have, I can't find it....I made it a couple of weeks ago and was reminded of how good and simple it is.  And even Bubbie, who groaned that we were having spaghetti, ate a big plate of it!
One Pot Spaghetti
1 pound lean ground beef
1/2 small onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, peeled and chopped
29 oz chicken or veggie broth
1 can tomato paste
1/2 t. oregano
salt and pepper to your taste
7 oz dry spaghetti, broken up a little
grated cheese

Cook the beef in about a tablespoon of olive oil on medium heat until it's about halfway browned.  Add the chopped onion and cook about 3 or 4 minutes.  Add the garlic and cook another 2 minutes.  Schooch the beef over to the side of the pan to create a "hot spot".  Add the tomato paste to the hot spot and cook a couple of minutes, then stir all well.  Add broth, oregano, and salt and pepper and bring it to a boil.  Add uncooked spaghetti, stir, reduce heat and cover.  Cook on low for about 15 minutes.  Uncover and top with grated cheese, if desired, and let sit a few minutes.
I set a cannister of grated parmesan out for everyone instead of topping it with cheese in the pan - you can do it either way.  I also seasoned up some peas with a little butter, salt, pepper, and a smidge of bacon fat while the sketti was cooking.  An easy dinner, and the leftovers are great the next day, too!

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