I did my darndest to stay busy this week while the boys were at camp.
This is how Sunday at 4:45 a.m. looked - Philmonters bright and bushy-tailed on our way to the drop site. After dropping these two off on the other side of Austin, it was time to head home to get Bubbie up and at the park by 8 a.m. for his drop-off. Here he is with his orange backpack looking ready to roll. And then I headed in to work til 7:30 p.m. Very anti-climatic.
So far, I've had no news since Monday from the the Philmont crew, but understand from a friend at Bear Creek that Bubbie is having a great time. The biggest complaint? The food. Nothing like camp food to make you appreciate mom's cooking, right?
See you this afternoon, Bubbie.
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