One of my co-workers is leaving to become a full-time mommy and part-time student. We put together a tongue-in-cheek laundry basket of things we thought she would need for her new life: bon bons, trashy magazines, sleep mask, slippers, hair bonnet...
we know it will be no picnic for her (we are all moms, too!), but it was fun to put together.
I made her an apron to go with a wonderfully ugly coffee mug I found at a a thrift store. Perfect! I got the fabric at Joann's, made a simple apron with ties, and embellished with a few trims I already had - they matched perfectly. Don't poms poms just make you smile?
I really meant it to be a fun thing, but she loved it and said she would actually wear it - which is amazing as she doesn't cook; her hubby runs a couple restaurants so he takes care of that. That's not to say she will have a life of leisure - she's just swapping her part-time job for school, and I know she'll have her work cut out for her with a 6 month old. We commiserate and support each other - learning all about each other's kids and lives and serving as sympathetic listeners...
The mug gave me a chuckle - I hope it makes her smile, too, remembering us every time she pours herself a cup of coffee. And I will miss her even as I wish her the best of luck!