Sunday, May 29, 2011

A going away gift for Kristin

One of my co-workers is leaving to become a full-time mommy and part-time student.  We put together a tongue-in-cheek laundry basket of things we thought she would need for her new life:  bon bons, trashy magazines, sleep mask, slippers, hair bonnet. We know it will be no picnic for her, but it was fun to put together.
I made her an apron to go with a wonderfully ugly coffee mug I found at a a thrift store. I got the fabric at Joann's, made a simple apron with ties, and embellished with a few trims I already had - they matched perfectly.  Don't poms poms just make you smile?
I really meant it to be a fun thing, but she loved it and said she would actually wear it.  
The mug gave me a chuckle - I hope it makes her smile, too, remembering us every time she pours herself a cup of coffee.  And I will miss her even as I wish her the best of luck!


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Penne Pasta Skillet

Here is another "working woman's friend" recipe that  also freezes well.

Penne Pasta Skillet
1 pound ground beef or turkey
1 jar of your favorite spahetti sauce
2 c. water
3 c. uncooked penne pasta (we happen to like penne rigate!)
1 c. shredded mozzarella

In a large covered skillet, brown the meat then drain it*.
 then add the water and the spaghetti sauce.
 Stir in the pasta, and bring it to a boil. 

Lower the heat and cover it, letting it simmer gently for about 20 minutes.  Take it off the heat, sprinkle the cheese on top, and re-cover it while you fix a salad or some garlic cheese bread. (For that I spread on a mixture of butter, garlic, and parmesan cheese on half a loaf of French bread and broil til browned and crusty)
A pretty simple recipe, and one you could change up depending on the sauce you use, and even the easy a kid could make it.


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*I  rinse the meat after I brown it - it's just my quirky way of getting as much fat off it as I can (:

Monday, May 23, 2011

Trip to Brenham

Last Friday I wanted to spend some time with my I did!


 we admired my mother's new bottle tree
 and the garden

 we coaxed the chickies into giving us eggs...which they did
and enjoyed some homemade raisin pecan pie which was so good.
It was a nice visit!


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Friday, May 20, 2011

Hubby and Scout, a tie tutorial

Recently Scout had to dress up for a band banquet, and Dad was called upon for a little demonstration
learning the fine art of measuring down to his belt buckle


 Dad goes through the motions again.  
Reminds Scout it's like tying ropes in scouts.
Hubby was being very patient
 His girlfriend helped with the buttons on the cuffs.
 How do I look?
 Awww...gosh, so sweet!


Monday, May 16, 2011


 Bubbie is a smart guy and loves to play games of strategy.  We have taught him chess, cards, and dominoes and he gets plenty of practice when we have a holiday where we sit around waiting to eat. Here he calmly waits his turn.
 You can't pull one over on him, he will call you out on it.  He's not as competitive as his sister, and it's OK with him if she wins, but just as often, he does. 
And that doesn't make her as mad since she's sorta fond of him.
I love that he sits out on the patio with us big folk - he's a smallish guy, but he is definitely 12 on the inside.  Getting so grown everyday and a big part of this tribe we call "family".


Friday, May 13, 2011

Moving The Girl back from Texas State

Monday dawned and tired or not, The Girl and I made our way back to San Marcos to move her out of the dorm.

The day is muggy,  but I am smiling and have my "get her packed and out of the dorm by 12:30" tennies on!  That's when the RA will inspect the room and I can guarantee you it will be spotless.
 She had already moved two loads home - mainly clothes - so it was a quick job.  

One last look at the dorm.  Not the experience I had hoped she would have, but I think she learned a lot about being on her own and some day she might look back with a rosier memory of it.


This smile says it all.
So glad to have The Girl back home, if just for a little while.
