Friday, January 29, 2010

The end of Cub Scouts

Den 12 Crossover - Arrow of Light

I'm washing Hubby's Cub Scout leader shirt for the last time.  He asked me to "mothball it", meaning clean it and put it up forever.   No more den meetings at our house with busy Wednesday nights getting dinner served and cleaned up, the flags out, the water buffalo filled, the patio cleared off, Bubbie dressed, the scout box and other supplies out. No more "base camp" at the start of the next school year. We can tear down the play scape and re-landscape the back yard, and get rid of these folding camp style chairs that are falling apart from years of use. I will sew the last two patches on Bubbie's brag vest and mothball that, too.  I will sew The Arrow of Light patch on his Boy Scout uniform.  I will print up the photos from the last few meetings and add them to his scout photo album.  And Hubby and I will sigh to ourselves that we gave the boys a firm skills foundation with scouting, and readied them for school and life.


Monday, January 25, 2010

What's in my make-up bag (drawer)?

There's a cute site called Chic Critigue that's doing a give-a-way with this topic.

Here is what I use when I can spend a few minutes sprucing up:
Maybelline Great Lash mascara in Brownish Black.
Revlon Powder Blush in Berry Rich
 That's it.
I like the au naturel look most of the time.
I am against coloring my silver hair.  And I love fragrance - scented lotions, soaps, sprays. The way you look every day is a direct reflection on how you feel, so do you!


Thursday, January 21, 2010

Lunch with my girl

It was a little too quiet today at my house so, The Girl came home to have lunch with mama. OK, not really.  she's having lunch with whomever she is texting. And in between bites, she is socializing. with me.
me:   "Honey, can you let me take your picture?
You look so pretty today.
I love that your eyeshadow matches your shirt."
her:   "No, but at least I will
put the phone down for 10 seconds.
Then I shall announce to you that I work til closing tonight,
grab my Sonic uniform, and hit the door.
As I pull out of the driveway I shall treat you to my loud boom-boom muzak."



Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Nuts to you. And me.

Today I am going to focus on getting these jobs done that I have been putting off.  Why did I agree to buy 5 lbs. of slightly cracked pecans?  I must have been nuts.  I've had these suckers since right before Christmas. So it goes without saying, I guess, that we had nut-less stuff to eat over the holidays, except for the few I bought already shelled.

I will give myself an hour to finish up this job. then the rest of them will go into the freezer. 


Monday, January 18, 2010

Happy 20th Birthday

Spencer Austin

I've always liked this picture of my oldest.  It was taken in Kindergarten.  He had a rough time there, but this picture shows a warmth and sincerity in his eyes, a sweet face, and a little boy who is trying hard to do what is asked of him.  This is a boy who was was kissed often, cherished and loved.  And he still is, even if he's a big 20 year old!  We have high hopes for you and are proud of what a good kid you turned out to be, and we love you very much!


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Old Faithful

This is one of the few times you will ever see or hear me actually saying something nice about the van.  Because, really, it gets 13 miles a gallon and drives like a school bus.
Except for times like these when I  absolutely have to have it to move something.  This orange couch?  9 ft. long.  (If it hadn't fit in the van I was tempted to saw it in half.)  The upholsterers charge $100 to pick it up and take it to the shop.  But I have this van and I have Firstborn.  I could take the seats out, hoist the sofa up in there, drive carefully, and buy him lunch.  So I did! 
Now we wait for the fabric to come in.


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The living room chairs are done!



    Firstborn and I picked up the 'new' chairs today and what a difference new fabric made!  Of course, this means the couch looks even shabbier, but not for long, as I have plans to drop it off at the same place this week. The chairs were threadbare in places and quite dirty.  The new fabric is softer and more neutral so we won't have to match the couch exactly, and it will coordinate beautifully with the cushions. Tomorrow I will take them a couple more yards of fabric to make arm rest covers when I drop off the couch. 


    Friday, January 8, 2010

    Cannary Motto

    At first I wanted to call this my motto.
    Then it occurred to me that it could apply to the rest of my family members.
    So maybe I should call it the "Cannary Family Motto".
    Maybe if we all relax and and keep moving in the right direction, 2010 will be a successful year.  Not that it wouldn't have been anyway.
    But maybe we'll just save ourselves a little sanity.
    And actually have fun in the process of moving through the year.