Den 12 Crossover - Arrow of Light
I'm washing Hubby's Cub Scout leader shirt for the last time. He asked me to "mothball it", meaning clean it and put it up forever. No more den meetings at our house with busy Wednesday nights getting dinner served and cleaned up, the flags out, the water buffalo filled, the patio cleared off, Bubbie dressed, the scout box and other supplies out. No more "base camp" at the start of the next school year. We can tear down the play scape and re-landscape the back yard, and get rid of these folding camp style chairs that are falling apart from years of use. I will sew the last two patches on Bubbie's brag vest and mothball that, too. I will sew The Arrow of Light patch on his Boy Scout uniform. I will print up the photos from the last few meetings and add them to his scout photo album. And Hubby and I will sigh to ourselves that we gave the boys a firm skills foundation with scouting, and readied them for school and life.