Monday, October 14, 2024

Monday menus #93

While I was on my mini-vacay I noticed how terrible my old cheapo men's moccasins looked, with their soles falling apart and zero foot comfort - I could feel every rock I stepped on.  Why should I continue to "make do" with worn out things that don't serve my purpose?
So I ordered myself a new pair of very good quality moccasins, using a discount and getting free shipping.  I love that they aren't lined with sherpa, which makes my feet sweat, and they have fairly rugged soles so I can basically wear them anywhere.  Its not a gift for anything in particular - you don't need an excuse to buy yourself something nice now and again!

Monday - kitchen closed
Tuesday - Taco Bowl (freezer taco meat) {cut out the photinia stump today!}
Wednesday - (freezer) Coconut Shrimp, chopped salad {zoom meeting with therapist}
Thursday - Order out (save 1/2 for a weekend meal) {zoom meet with financial advisor}
Friday - Cheese Enchiladas, rest of the chopped salad {zoom meet with dietician}
Saturday and Sunday - kitchen closed


Friday, October 11, 2024

The Fall Project List

 I feel like its been forever since I took care of a project at Camp Rustown.  I reached a point in the summer where it was just too dang hot and gave myself the grace to take a break on my days off.  But now that the mornings are starting to cool a bit, I am inspired to continue on my list of things for 2024:

*clean the A/C coils
*buff Subie's headlamps
*refill the fire extinguisher
*repair the garage door screen
I even have all the tools I need to do this!

back up my computer
*paint the office furniture
*buy a new fridge
*sell the truck and figure out what to do with the Baja
*repair the attic door opening
I won't even tell you how long its been this way

*touch up hall walls and paint ceiling
*frame the bathroom mirror
*install a gasket at the bottom of the bathtub
*powerwash the front steps and drive, as well as back patio
*remove photinia stump
And, make this area look neater

*paint the inside of the garage (with freebie paint)
*2 boxes of mementos and a bugle to mail far away
*replace 2 ceiling fans
*sell items in garage (Uuni, Cricut)

Its likely I will only get a few of these done before the end of the year, but my list is so much shorter now than it was in January!


Monday, October 7, 2024

Monday menus #92

Saturday was our 39th wedding anniversary. 
On the advice of my therapist, I typed Mark a letter, printed it, added it to my notebook of letters, and went on with my weekend.  Someday I may come across it and read it.  Or maybe I will just throw it away.  Who knows.  Life goes on and so do the weeks.

Monday - kitchen closed
Tuesday - Pasta with Italian Sausage, kale (make a plate for Friday) {buy groceries, work on car files, make a fall projects list}
Wednesday - Burger No Bun, O & P, BBQ beans {telehealth appointment}
Thursday - Greek Chicken Salad {dermatologist appointment}
Friday - Pasta with Italian Sausage, green beans {replace air filters}
Saturday and Sunday - kitchen closed


Friday, October 4, 2024

5 thing Friday - mug, getaway, wine, pizza, shepherd's hook

The hospital system I work for recently had a cyber attack event (it was in the news) and after a few tense weeks, it was resolved, much to everyone's relief.
In appreciation, they sent everyone one of these insulated mugs.   I ordered a vinyl decal for it from my favorite Etsy lady, but I'm not sure I will take it to work.  I've been on a mission to drink more water, so this might live at my reading chair.  In any case, I would never spend $40+ on a mug for myself, so this is a very nice gift!
Dry cereal makes a good snack to munch while you read, btw.
I took a short-ish trip to the Hill Country for an overnight stay.
A place to relax in peace and quiet.  It was lovely.
I enjoyed a glass of wine* from a winery that Mark and I hadn't gotten around to visit - Sangiovese, his favorite.
I packed my own dinner, which was a great idea as the roads leading out to this place were narrow and winding - at night I would have been lost finding my way back!
Along with just sitting and enjoying solitude, I enjoyed time reading and journaling.  At night I lay on the top of the picnic table staring at the stars.  I had great cell service, so I was even able to attend my telehealth appointment.  Then at 11 a.m. the next day, I headed homeward.
I stopped at a favorite pizza place and may have enjoyed some beer* along with my lunch.
Along with the decal, I'm thinking about ordering this shepherd's hook for a gold chain I already have.  I think it would be a neat way to wear a jumble of gold charms.  I always feel nervous ordering jewelry from Etsy, though.  And for sure, its not something I need, strictly speaking.
All in all, it was a good week.  The break was needed, mornings are cooler, the weekend is here!


*I think I am officially over wine.  I've noticed that, as I age, it tends to affect my sleep and make me feel dicey the next day.  Really, same with beer. One is nice, two is too much, and I really value my overall health more!

Monday, September 30, 2024

Monday menus #91

This week might be my easiest menu in a long time.  The only thing I'm really cooking is stew, and all that involves is cutting up meat and adding it to the crockpot since I am using whole mini potatoes and frozen green beans.  One small pot of stew will equal two meals and two future meals.  The chicken for the salad and taco nights is already cooked.  Leaving me free to eat a great dinner out on Wednesday, as an early anniversary meal! 
I like the trend of easier meals and plan to continue that through the end of the year.

Monday - Chicken Salad with romaine, chickpeas, bell pepper, purple onion, grape tomatoes {off work today}
Tuesday - Crockpot Pork Stew made with mini potatoes and green beans {HOA Ice Cream Social in the p.m.}
Wednesday - No cooking whatsoever - overnight cabin visit in the Texas Hill Country
Thursday - leftover pork Stew {telehealth visit in a.m., followed by lunch and shopping in Wimberley}
Friday - Chicken Tacos with rotisserie chicken, lettuce, tomatoes, salsa, cheese {light housework catch-up}
Saturday and Sunday - kitchen closed {Mark and Gina 39 years}


Friday, September 27, 2024

Random thoughts

 This week has been a bit of a booger, and I'm going to chalk that up to it being the first anniversary of my mother's death.  I think the grief around that has intensified the feelings I have about other things and knowing that might help give me perspective.
a win this week: learning how to jump the truck so I could drive it over to AutoZone for a new battery.

I have discovered this week that impulsive actions and emotions take away from my peace.  On the other hand, measured thoughtful responses will give me time to make a gradual mental shift and help me to gather my thoughts.  Sounds easier than it is, but I will just continue to remind myself. Also, talking to a friend has been very helpful!
All that to say: I don't have a 5 thing Friday post.  Just some random thoughts.
And as always, the desire to move forward.
Happy weekend,


Monday, September 23, 2024

Monday menus #90

 I was fishing around in my desk drawer and came across a roll of stamps I had taken from Mom's house in order to mail her bills and etc.  A flood of memories came to me all at once.  It was just a year ago that my sisters and I were scrambling to figure out how to manage her affairs, home, and her medical care.
We lost her a year ago on the 28th of September.
I don't mail much, if anything, anymore.  My bills are paid on line, and I don't have Mom to write letters to.  So I guess these will just live in my desk for now.

Monday - kitchen closed
Tuesday - BBQ Meatballs, rice, brussels sprouts {trim the skinny tree shrubs near the garage doors}
Wednesday - Fajita Chicken Salad {buy groceries}
Thursday - Baked Sweet Potato with spinach, bacon, and Asiago {counseling appt.}
Friday - Grilled Ham and Asiago on apple bread, HEB kale salad {movie day? didn't go last week}
Saturday and Sunday - kitchen closed

*I notice that I'm back to cooking meals and even though they are simple, that's not the trend I wanted.  So next week, I'm going to try something new.  Maybe "cook once, eat three times", filling in with salads.
