Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Weekend re-cap - Save the World, Highlands, Camp Rustown

On Saturdays and Sundays we have a "hard stop" rule at noon.   What doesn't get done by noon can be picked up again the next day.   At noon thirty we hit the road, stopping in Liberty Hill to buy ice, then Bertram for a burn barrel.  Then we drove through Chicken Express to get lunch for our next stop:
Save the World Brewing Co.  

It wasn't crowded inside in the A/C, but its easier to have a conversation out in the tank room.  We played some cards, ate our chicken, met some new folks.
We enjoyed some Peach Saison, some Coconut Milk Lux, and Cherry Bonus Pastor.  All very delicious on a hot day.  And its nice to meet new people from the area and learn more about the place where we will someday live.
 That evening we sat out at Highlands to watch the sunset .
 We heard an owl, a boat now and again, traffic on 2341.
We did end up building a fire and went to bed late because we wanted to make sure the fire was burned down sufficiently.
The next day Hubby got the burn barrel going.  He used materials found in the property dump (some odds and ends of rebar and steel fencing, as well as an old A/C drip pan), and we proceeded to burn some things.  
We didn't see many critters this time around - they are probably hiding in the shade - but I did find a snake molt near the barn.   We again stopped at noon, ate lunch, got some sun, took a shower, and headed to Sonic for a cold drink.  And we ended Sunday on an tired but happy note.


1 comment:

Simply LKJ said...

Sounds like a great way to spend the weekend. And, I love your by noon rule. Need to remember that one. It gets so darn hot in the summertime.