A few weeks ago I spent the day in Dripping Springs and visited this cozy little restaurant:
Their specialty is crepes! I had the granny smith apple, brie, and walnuts crepe, drizzled with honey. Oh my.
I also shopped at a few cute places. As much as I love the Burnet area, Dripping does have its charms.
Giant Jenga is a thing. Hubby won. And we both enjoyed a glass of merlot while picking up our quarterly wine shipment from Thirsty Mule.
At Perissos we enjoyed gorgeous scenery, friendly staff, and great wine. And picnic tables under giant oaks trees where you can sit and enjoy a lazy afternoon sipping wine.
I did some on-line shopping at Land's End and Old Navy recently and part of it arrived last night. I am really loving the bright as punch colors. Can't wait to pair these with my huaraches. I have another two tops, some casual capri's, and a nice dress on their way, too. My wardrobe definitely needed a spark.
Hubby and I have taken to making lists when we go to Highlands. That way we don't forget what we want to take up there when we're headed out. It all goes right here in the front room where it cannot be forgotten. This weekend I am on call and Hubby will be busy with a scout function. So Mother's Day is a bit up in the air as yet. But I'm Ok with that as I will still be close to home and my peeps for two days
Happy Mother's Day!
Hello from Idaho and found your blog though Happy Whisk. The other day I was in town of Sanpoint and found a place there that specialize in crapes.
Coffee is on
Jenga looks like fun, I've never played.
Yum on the pancakes!!!!!
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