Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Good Friday Thrifting 2011

It never occurred to me that St. Vinny's would not be open on Good Friday.  But the boys and I were determined to get out of the house and "bop around" as they love to say!
Stop #1 was a huge Sally Ann we had never seen before - HUGE.  I picked up a little over $2 worth of stuff that the woman rang up for $1.34, including a terra cotta sun face and some vintage fabric trims.  13 cents each  - no idea how old they are, but I would guess the early sixties - they were two for a quarter.
 Next was Thrift Town, a favorite of ours.  The boys had such a good time looking at all the "weird" stuff - they weren't even bothering to look for things they might actually want.  Creepy Stuff.  Like this cat.
Please tell me its not covered with real cat fur...
I, however, find a large bag of fabric lace and trims for $2 to add to my stash, and a box of 15 Japanese art print cards with envelopes for $1.  They are blank so they can be used for many occasions.
My total thrift purchases were less than $5!  
The blue sun got a coat of ORB this afternoon and is hanging over the mantel, and the laces and such are in my sewing box.  Check out the wide lace, perfect for making sachets.  After that, we had a great lunch at a hole-in-the-wall Mexican restaurant, Vallarta.

A fun way to spend a day off with my peeps!



Judy Whatilivefor said...

What a fun day to spend together! I love thrifting and have to forbid myself from going to thrift stores normally because they are just so much fun :)

Marie said...

My kind of day! Love the Japanese post cards and what fun to find lace, trims and fabric for a "song".
I miss all the good food in Austin! Especially Mexican food. :(
I love to thrift and spend time with my children too! <3