Monday, February 28, 2011

Mod-podge fabric "vase"

I saw this very cute idea in Bloggyland and decided to make one for my mom's birthday - a fabric wrapped and mod-podged vase made out of a pickle jar!
Over the years she has given me a lot of scrap fabric in the hopes I will one day make a quilt.  I just don't think I have the patience for that, but I love the sweet little prints.
 I tore off some strips and left the edges frayed.
 Then I painted mod-podge on a clean jar
 and wrapped the fabric all around it.  
I have an old cookie sheet I use to keep my table from getting mp'd!
I covered the jar thread at the top, too.  She might use it for more flowers, or even as a pencil jar later on, so she probably doesn't need the lid.   Then I gave it a couple coats of mod-podge and let it dry.
We had a fun visit in Brenham and went to the quilt show in La Grange.
How appropriate, right?  And she loved the flowers (:


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Snow Day 2011

I can't say I blame the people up north for thinking we Austin folk are a bunch of weenies when it comes to snow.  But, really, the roads here are downright treacherous when covered with ice.  And no one here knows how to drive in it.  Schools panic and close.  Employers offer paid lodging at nearby hotels. You would think it's Snowmaggedon.
 Look at that - barely a dusting - but first the rain fell, then the snow.

We've got "wintry mix" in the forecast today - no more ice, please? 


Friday, February 4, 2011

Sugar's talent

If it's one thing Sugar is good at, it's laying around.  
And she seems to sense when you need her furry, fat girth upon you.
She's like a 20 pound heating pad that purrs.  "Keep away from Dad.  His knee hurts and I and making sure he stays put!"  If there isn't a person to lay on top of she has other options:
 A couch, or one of 5 beds.
 My newly re-covered chair or a sunny window.
Or even the random laundry basket.


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Chocolate Pecan Pie

Hubby turned the big 5-0 on Monday.  And, as per tradition at Camp Rustown, I let him decide what kind of cake he wanted - he picked pie.  Said he thought a chocolate pecan pie sounded good.  He had never actually had one, and I didn't have a recipe, so I turned to and adapted one that was the best pie I have had in a long time...

Chocolate Pecan Pie
1 ready made pie crust
3 eggs, slightly beaten
1 c. light corn syrup
1/2 c. sugar
1 4oz. bar of Ghirardelli semisweet chocolate, melted
2 T. butter, melted
1 t. vanilla
1 1/2 cup pecan halves

Preheat the oven to 350.  Lay the crust out in a 9 inch pie plate, crimp the edges.  Mix all but pecans until well blended.  Stir in pecan s.  Pour into crust.  Set the pie on a cookie sheet and bake for 55 minutes, or until set.  (You can insert a knife halfway and see that it comes out cleanly)Cool.

This pie tasted like a gooey, fudgey version of a pecan pie and was delicious.  The quality of the chocolate makes a big difference - you could melt chocolate chips (1/2 c.) but try to buy the really good ones.  
And Hubby gets a slice of it in his lunch today - his first day back after knee surgery. Hopefully, it will sweeten his day. 


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  “Come join Love the Pie with TidyMom  sponsored by Cherokee USA, Le Creuset, Wilton, Bags by Bloom and  Harvard Common Press