No, it isn't the shopping or the planning, the cleaning or the baking, the decorating or the exchange of presents, though all those things are nice and add to my memories of the's spending time with those I love, doing something or, doing nothing. Just being together!
I've done a lot of baking lately, and I love how it makes the house smell so good. Everyone here loves a treat!
Last Saturday night The Girl and I make pretzel candies with Hershey kisses and M&M's. I packaged them up for hubby's family and people at work. Scout was our taste tester and he approved!
The neighbors and family friends are getting cookies and Chex Mix. Last night I signed up to bake even more cookies - the PTA needed help with cookie care packages for the teachers. My specialty: gingersnaps. So good warm from the oven! They keep well and are awesome with a hot mug of cocoa.
I can't remember where I got this recipe from but by now it's all over the internet. It's easy, smells good, and is fun to do. Mix equal parts ground cinnamon and unsweetened applesauce to make a dough. Roll it out like a pie crust - not too thin. You want your finished ornaments to be sturdy. Use a straw to poke a hole for hanging later.
Use a spatula to transfer them to a flat surface where they will need to lie undisturbed for a couple days.
Hang them on the tree, packages, etc. They last for years and hold their scent really well. I wouldn't recommend this project to very small kids who don't get the concept of not eating playdoh. It can't hurt them, maybe give them a tummy ache, but that's no fun! We've made these several times over the years and my kids really like it. I think it might have been the combination of a hands-on craft and the wonderful, Christmas-y scent. Have fun!
It lasted about 15 whole minutes. If you blinked you would be asking "Is it here yet?" and we'd be saying "Pay attention next time!". I had to call this guy away from the computer twice because he really didn't believe me. In one photo he is examining a flake at close range as if he isn't sure I'm not pulling his leg. It wasn't even sticking to the ground. A short while later my neighbor called - it was sunshine-y and a very few flakes were flying around. She was bummed. We were robbed! It was the Great Snow Storm of 2009? Better luck next year.
Hubby and I were proud that Scout earned three more merit badges and was awarded them tonight at the scout's Court of Honor. He received Archery, First Aid, and Geology. Such a serious face he wore for most of it - a clear sign that the cuddly days are coming to an end.
Hooray for a day that I can take the boys to the pumpkin patch and shopping! Bubbie had the best time running among the pumpkins - it was so hard to choose just 2 apiece. We settled on a big-ish one and a couple of small ones for each of them to decorate themselves. They also had colorful and oddly shaped gourds which we had to buy to add to our pumpkin collection. The weather was beautiful and they were in such a good mood - I love having these times with them before they are too "cool" to hang out with me.