Monday, December 30, 2024

Monday menus #104

I don't do a lot of dressing up, so I wore some old heels (20+ yrs) to church on Christmas Eve.  Throughout the service I kept noticing black gravely debris all over the floor beneath me - more and more of it, until just before time to stand for communion I discovered that the soles of my shoes were literally disintegrating!
Even with the missing pieces I was able to hobble up to the altar - thank goodness I was seated up near the front - and when seated again, I gently and nonchalantly scooshed the pieces of my shoes under my pew.
Maybe I was being divinely inspired to laugh at myself instead of crying!

Monday - kitchen closed
Tuesday - Pulled Pork Sweet Potato, salad {on call}
Wednesday - Crockpot Green Curry Chicken, rice, broccoli {work 'til 3 p.m., then on-call}
Thursday - Crispy Crusted Tilapia, twice baked potato, salad {telehealth appt., take Christmas decor down}
Friday - Turkey Pasta Soup {grocery shop}
Saturday and Sunday - kitchen closed



  1. I had a pair of Clark's closed toe mules that had the same heal, I had selected them from a girlfriend's over populated shoe stash. First time I wore them to a quilter's boot camp, by the time I unloaded my car and set up my workstation, I had a trail of rubbery crumbs. Happy shoe shopping!

  2. Happy new year! I look forward to dropping by for a look-see and getting to know you!

  3. That crockpot green curry chicken sounds amazing. Can you share the recipe for that?


Thanks for stopping by! Be diplomatic but keep it real, I'm open to suggestions...