Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Little project: lining my nightstand drawers

Mark and I inherited our bedroom furniture from his brother, Harry.  And the most I've ever done to it is sand and re-varnish the tops of the nightstands that had water rings, and paint all of the pulls black.  At one point I wanted to paint the actual furniture over entirely.  That is not a little project, though.  So its not going to happen soon. 
For now it stays this walnut color.  
All of the furniture is in good condition, but I've been wanting to spiff up the insides with drawer liner or something.  Enter my scrap fabric stash.
Voila!  A piece of IKEA fabric from waaaay back in the day when I spiffed up The Girls's room in 2010  {no, I never do get rid of fabric scraps, why do you ask?}.
I wonder what ever happened to this pillowcase?

  There was enough of it to make a little folded over and sewn placemat of sorts that fits the dimensions of the drawer perfectly.
The top drawer holds my TV remote, power cords, and Nook.
See?  Easy zig-zag to finish the folded over edges.
The second drawer holds pamper items.
Hmmm...might have to do the other 15 drawers...some day.


1 comment:

  1. Oh I love this idea! The edges are so pretty...and no, I never throw away scraps either. I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one with 10+ year old yards tucked into the closet!!


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