Friday, April 18, 2014

Good Friday to you!

The boys and I are enjoying our day so far....slept in, worked on the back patio to clean it up, ate a great Lunch at Brooklyn Pie Co.  And  I did some prep for Easter Sunday, here and there.  I boiled a dozen eggs and colored them for some pretty pastel deviled eggs, iced down canned drinks, thawed the pork roasts, made the Crack Potatoes and the Cheesecake Pie.
Set the table with pretty napkins and spring green chargers. Found 6 clean wine glasses, plates, and silverware, too!
Fished around for some extra silk flowers to pretty up a pillar candle on a plate.  Now  it's time to stretch out in The lounge with a book...and look forward to Sunday.  Can it really be that Christmas was four months ago?  And four months from now will I wonder how Easter ended so quickly?

The Easter feeling does not end,
it signals a new beginning.
Of nature, spring, and brand new life,
And friendship, and peace, and giving.
The spirit of Easter is all about
Hope, love, and joyful living.


  1. Christmas is 8 months away. You must be in a hurry. Works for me I love Christmas.

  2. Just reread your post. I either need new glasses or some sleep. LOL


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