Monday, April 18, 2016

What the week holds: breakfast in my car...

Many times I reach Wednesday mornings in a state of overwhelm.  To Do lists, grocery lists, and general chores and errands seem to converge on Wednesday and leave me feeling frazzled.  There's only one cure...
After dropping Bubbie off at band sectionals, I head over to Taco Cabana and order two barbacoa tacos to eat while I sit and admire the view of the Best Buy parking lot.  (:  Barbacoa is not something I had discovered I was fond of until just the last year or so.  And now I am obsessed with it in a breakfast taco, along with some spicy pico de gallo.  Breakfast of champions!  I really, really need to learn how to make it myself!
 Calmly I listen to the news or talk radio.  Sometimes I will sit there and text while I eat.  And after a good breakfast, I can usually make it all the way through the morning, making major headway on everything I have to do!
This week I have to get Bubbie in for a well-visit and get those Philmont forms turned in.  Plus, I need to get started working on my Tech Ladder notebook for work, clean up the back patio after the deluge of rain, and make time for reading and some crafting. (Got to flex my creative muscle a little...)  What's your week looking like?

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