Monday, February 27, 2012

Tackling one closet at a time

I think the secret to home organization is simple really:  Don't try to tackle it all at once!  Do a little every now and then.  You'll feel like you are on top of things without also feeling like you are a slave to your house.
Last week I did some general cleaning in and around the closet.  Nothing exciting here for anyone but me...
 The kitchen pantry was starting to make me sad.  The last shelf and the floor I laid claim to for crafty items.  So there was less room for food and it was starting to look like a royal mess.
It left me with less room for food items.  Yeah, the potatoes were living on the floor.  
Next to cat food.  Not good.  
Also, how can you get to the bottled water if you can even see it?
 The top of this pantry is dark - but that's were I store things I don't often use.  Even so, wouldn't it be great to have some kind of lighting in here?  While I was waiting for dinner to cook, I pulled everything out and wiped down the shelves.  I hunted around the house and found a couple more plastic bins to organize snacks and such.  I threw out stale crackers, organized the rest, made a list of groceries to buy...
I combined all of my craft stuff down below and made room for the potatoes and bottled water on a shelf instead of the floor.  Like hubby's "flame" apron?  It's his BBQ uniform!
 That's better!  Someday I'll have a craft room - for now I have a craft nook.
 There are things behind the baskets, but they won't be so hard to get to.  I'm not going to bother with cute little signs or labels.  I think people here can figure out what's in them...might add a couple more baskets to my list - if I don't use them in here, I can always use them somewhere else.
Yes, the cereal boxes are labeled.  Do you have kids that argue over who got more than their fair share of a favorite cereal?  I used to (:  All the breakfast foods are on the top shelf.  Behind them are more things we don't have to get to very often.  Storage space has always been at a premium in this house.
Only about 2 dozen more spaces like this to organize...but that's it for today!


Angie@Echoes of Laughter said...

Great job Gina! My pantry is looking sad these days too and definitely needs a paint job too! I have the same design where the shelves are deeps and I have to keep food in front and food behind! I laughed when I saw the cereal labelled Saturday and Sunday! Too funny! I have been tempted to label things with names to lesson the fighting sometimes! haha! Hope your week is going great! Angie xo

KimMalk said...

I store my craft supplies on the floor of the pantry, too! I've been trying to tackle a space (or part of one) at a time, as well. You know, I think I breathed a sigh of relief that you didn't label your baskets--sometimes there's just too much pressure in blogland.